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Music at the DSJ

At the DSJ the subject Music is being taught weekly in all grades 5 to 9.

From grade 10 onwards, only pupils of the Kombizweig can select Music as a subject, which continues then being taught weekly.

Besides the regular music classes, we also offer a variety of artistic extra murals – so called „Arbeitsgemeinschaften (AG)“ – in the afternoons. These include:
school choir (grades 5 – 12),
flute group (grades 5 – 12),
marimba group (grades 5 – 12),
school band (Klasse 8 – 12),
chamber orchestra (Klasse 5 – 12),
theatre AG (Klasse 6 – 12) and
dance AGs (Klassen 5-12)

Our pupils can choose from a wide variety of extra mural activities, where they are given the opportunity to follow their personal peferences to improve and strengthen their talents.

During the course of the school year a number of performances, presentations and concerts will take place, during which the results of the long periods of practice can be presented to a larger audience.

The intensive exchange between the pupils and rising or already established artists is an important aspect for us. The exchange programme is structured in form of workshops and joined projects aiming at motivating DSJ pupils to engage in musical activities.

We promote intercultural encounter with pupils from Soweto and from Germany. Furthermore the bi-annual Orchestra Week of the German Schools of Sub Saharan Africa, is an amazing opportunity to meet with the young musicians from Pretoria, Windhoek and Cape Town.

The Music lessons at the DSJ

The didactical fundamental principle of the subject Music is generally called „constructive music lesson“. This model is in line with competency oriented teaching.1
The „constructive music lesson“ links three different teaching areas:
1. multifacetted interaction with music,
2. development of musical skills,
3. cultural approach to music.
Dancing, singing, music theroy, instrumental performance, music of other cultures, etc., are all means to introduce and connect these three teaching domains.

Instrumental tuition at the DSJ

The Music Department has in the recent past been very successful in attracting and committing external instrument instructors.

Our pupils can learn an instrument from experienced and certified teachers. The times are generally before (7 to 7.45 am) or after school (kindergarden/pre school and primary school from 12.45 pm, secondary school from 14.25 pm).
Should you or your child be interested, please contact the respective teacher directly.


1        Bär, Johannes/ Gies, Stefan/ Jank, Werner/ Nimczik, Ortwin: Kompetenz vermitteln – Kultur erschließen. In: Diskussion Musikpädagogik 19/2003, S. 26 – 39

2        Kaiser, Hermann J.: Kompetenz, aber wann? Über die Bestimmung von „musikalischer Kompetenz“ in Prozessen ihres Erwerbs. In: Musik und Bildung 3/2001, S.5 – 10