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Language Concepts
On the way to a comprehensive language concept:
Strengthening the German language from Kindergarten to Secondary School
The Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg has been selected as a reference school for the pilot project “Towards a Comprehensive Language Concept” of the Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA) (Central Agency for Schools Abroad). A kick-off event was held in Bonn in July 2019, following which a working group was established at the DSJ. This working group, made up of representatives from School Management, Kindergarten, Primary School and Secondary School language departments (DaM, DaF, DFU, English), is setting out to develop a comprehensive language concept by the end of 2021.
The goal is that all learners attain the necessary proficiency in German and English to for access to tertiary education in either language. In this context, all language education projects are to be reviewed and closely coordinated to provide learners with the best possible language support from Kindergarten to grade 12.