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Grade 5-9

The art course from Grade 5 – 9 is a relatively small subject, which learners attend once a week. The content of the course is based on knowledge of the basic elements of art and principles of design. Learners are taught some basic theory, where they learn artistic terminology and analysis, and then apply this knowledge in creative art projects. Each year builds upon knowledge from the previous years, and the practical projects are designed to also build upon practical skills learnt in previous years. Learners are encouraged to be creative and get to experiment with various artistic media in group and individual projects.

Art Appreciation (Kombizweig)

The art course in the Kombizweig is aimed at giving you a broad understanding of different genres of art and some basic knowledge of art history. Along with this theoretical component, learners are taught how to draw, paint, make prints and possibly make a sculpture. It is a subject that learners attend once a week for 80 minutes, and are expected to do up to 1 hour of homework (usually drawing) each week. The course culminates in Grade 12 where the learners are given two themed projects (one in each semester) and have a free choice of artistic media and/or discipline. The Grade 12s are also expected write research essays on contemporary art/artists.

Visual Art (NSC)

Visual Art in the NSC stream is a comprehensive three-year course in which the history of art from Prehistoric times to the present day is studied. Learners study many different art-making techniques, and get to practice them in the practical component of the course. It is a very busy subject that you will attend 3 times each week (3 x 80mins) and be expected to do about 2 hours of homework each week. This homework will mostly be practical/drawing, but also some studying for art history/theory tests and exams. The course culminates in Grade 12 where learners will do external exams set by the IEB. These exams are in two parts; a practical open-ended themed project in which leaners are free to choose their preferred artistic media and discipline, and a theory examination in which their knowledge of the content studied that year will be tested.